05 May 2009

New "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" Trailer

The second big subscripted movie of the year comes out in June, and Michael Bay is already working on ways to completely fuck it up. The first trailer came out a few months ago, and it was great. The film seemed to take itself more seriously, with a darker, more realistic and story-driven tone. When Bay realized, however, that this is how people were perceiving his new film, he took drastic action to solidify it as just another goofy, poorly written kids film with the violence of a grown up's film. So he released this new trailer, which starts out with Sam in college, Bumblebee upset about not being able to go, and (gasp!) egyptian symbols and, of course, a big old American flag.

For all those who were worried that Bay was actually going to make his new Transformers movie into the film the first one should have been, don't worry, you can rest easy tonight.